Aquba height-adjustable basin
The Aquba height adjustable basin is the most compact completely integrated unit available, making it one of the most wheelchair accessible basins, and perfect for under window installations.
Designed and manufactured in the UK, this stunning basin offers boutique design quality and would make a fine addition to any bathroom. The design was developed in conjunction with customers, and every tiny detail has been thought about and designed to make access and life just a little easier without compromising style. Details include a smooth graduated design to the front of the basin, soft actuation on the click-clack waste, and sculpted minimal casing below the basin.
Key features include the ability to preset two heights to allow dual users in the home to easily switch between their preferred basin heights. Further height adjustments can be made simply by using the up/down arrows. A lockout is available to prevent accidental movement or misuse, and the unit has an anti-trap sensor incorporated.
The Aquba can be wall-mounted at any height to suit the users.
Key features
- 3 basin widths available - 600, 750 & 900mm
- 300mm smooth height adjustment (<12 seconds)
- 150kg maximum load
- Integrated control panel
- 2 memory height positions
- Integrated load bearing rails
- Click-clack soft touch waste
- Lock-out functionality & anti-trap sensor
- Compact integrated height adjustable basin
- Corian style basin and cover finishes
- Great wheelchair access
- Perfect for under-window installations
- Function to preset two heights
- Load bearing hand/towel rails
- Smooth Corian style basin finish
- Designed and made in the UK
- 300mm powered height range
- Dimensions: 706mm (H) x 535mm (D)
- Basin widths: 600mm, 750mm, 900mm