RAZ Shower Chairs: Cost efficient and better for the environment

Discover why the RAZ Shower Chairs have such an impressive recycling rate.

It is common practice in the UK to recycle equipment funded by social services, to ensure they are maximizing their investments. Once a piece of equipment is no longer required by a user, it will be returned to the loan store and assigned to another user. With limited funds and increasing needs in the community for equipment, this is becoming more important than ever. 

So, how can we monitor how well our equipment is recycling at management level? 

Loan equipment stores closely examine the recycling rate of core stock items: the recycling rate is widely used as an indicator of waste recycling and resource-saving efforts. A rise in this metric generally indicates that recycling efforts are improving. 

As Wealden Rehab holds contracts throughout the UK for core stock items, we decided to gather data from loan stores on the recycling rate of the RAZ shower/toilet chair. We received feedback from two loan stores which have contracted high volumes of the RAZ AT for more than three years, and found that: 

  • Loan store 1: 100% recycle rate by value and 100% recycle rate by quantity. 
  • Loan store 2: 97% recycle rate by value and 98% recycle rate by quantity. 



What is the effect of this? 

1. Keeps the ongoing purchase of equipment to a minimum 

2. The same products can keep being recycled without ongoing investment 

3. Savings on this product enable increased investment into other equipment that is required 


Why are the RAZ shower chairs so cost efficient? 

1. High grade 316 stainless steel construction gives an expected lifespan of over 10 years

2. The materials used for the gas struts and cables ensures little or no service costs within the warranty period of 5 years 

3. The highly adjustable frame reduces the number of custom chairs required to meet user needs 

4. Clinical reasoning ensures excellent pressure distribution postural support on the seat, catering for a variety of needs 


We have a range of bathing & hygiene and moving & handling products that can reduce recycling costs - call us today for a demonstration.


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