Advantages of using a Ceiling Track Hoist

Over the last decade there has been an increase in the use of overhead hoists, across all environments including hospitals, care homes and hospices, sports centres, changing places, and of course in the community.

Over the last decade there has been a marked increase in the use of ceiling hoists, across all environments including hospitals, care homes and hospices, sports centres, changing places, and of course in the community. The question still gets asked, is "ceiling track" the right option for me, and what are the advantages over other hoisting options such as a mobile hoist?

Here we break it down to show how a ceiling-mounted hoist will help.

  • Ease of use
  • Single handed care
  • Manual handling
  • Space saving
  • Maintenance
  • Access
  • Aesthetics

Ease of use

One of the top challenges for any product is, how easy is it to use? The main advantage of a ceiling track hoist is the ease of use. Ceiling hoists negate the need to negotiate obstacles and are very easy to move around compared to a mobile hoist.

Single-handed care

With costs of care escalating, there has been a drive to see how better equipment can assist in reducing care packages. In the case of a mobile hoist, it is necessary to have two carers present, one to support the user whilst the other steers the hoist. By comparison, an overhead hoist requires a single carer to guide the user along the track whilst supporting them. This alone has vastly reduced care package costs, particularly in hospitals and the community.

Manual handling

It’s true that mobile hoists and manual transfers are responsible for many manual handling injuries. Although mobile hoists themselves are more compact and lightweight than in years past, once the user is in the hoist, they are difficult to manoeuvre, especially when there maybe carpets and rugs and other obstructions, such as thresholds. Overhead hoists, such as the GoLift will remove these manual handling issues. Overhead hoists will also lift higher and lower than a mobile hoist.


Being secured to the ceiling, overhead hoists are unobtrusive and free up floor space which in most environments is at a premium. Of course, there are folding mobile hoists available which are great for occasional use, however, they typically take 2-3 minutes to assemble ready to lift, whereas an overhead hoist is always at hand.


When considering your hoisting options, ease of maintenance should be a top priority. Mobile hoists are mostly battery operated these days, meaning you rely on carers to ensure that charging guidelines are adhered to; if this is correctly managed then batteries are kept in good condition, and that the hoist has sufficient charge when you come to use it. By contrast, you will find that the GoLift overhead hoist has an excellent system to keep it charged up at all times without relying on human intervention after each use. And when it comes to carrying out the routine servicing or replacing parts, the GoLift can be removed from the track in seconds, bringing it down to a more convenient working height.


Some of our clients have areas that aren’t easy to access, for example;

  • Swimming pools
  • Hydrotherapy Pools
  • Soft play areas
  • Sensory rooms

Ceiling track hoists can go where other hoists can’t. Take a hydrotherapy/ swimming pool, environments where mobile hoists aren’t effective, and equipment such as the Heron is installed. The GoLift overhead hoist will offer you full room coverage, so users can access any part of the pool and remain supported.


We may be biased, but we think our hoist systems look the part. Whether you need a basic straight track, an XY system or a multi-room installation, we will install a system that you can be proud of.


Are you looking for a hoisting solution? We can assist with all aspects of design, installation and maintenance - contact us today.

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